Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where do you stand as a Catholic in this time or turmoil? Have you struggled with the implications of dwindling priests exacerbated by the abuse scandal? Have you spent time in prayer, talking with God about your role in the future of your Church? Do you have an idea of how you will use the talents, abilities and gifts that God has provided you to make a difference in this world especially within your Church? Have you asked God to use you in this way? Catholic blogger John L. Allen Jr. writes that the Catholic Church under Pope Benedict XVI is adopting a strategy that many minority groups have employed in the past. Now Allen is kind enough to define what he feels is a minority group because my first reaction, and probably yours, is that the Catholic Church cannot be a minority group based on the fact that it is the largest Christian Church in the world and it continues to grow at the macro level. However, Allen makes the point that because of the recent attacks against the Church, we Catholics are being treated like all minority groups by suffering discrimination and subordination and common burdens, among other things, that is creating a we versus them mentality. He is not suggesting that the Pope is using public relation tactics to change the tide of negative publicity but merely responding to the current crisis. I think that the leadership exhibited by Pope Benedict has been strong and worthy of emulation. If Allen is right in his assertion that Pope Benedict is viewing the current situation through the lens of what Arnold Toynbee describes as creative minority, then I am hopeful that change is coming. The idea is that when great civilizations enter a crisis, they either decay or are renewed from within by “creative minorities” who offer a compelling vision of the future. Which returns me to my first point. Are you willing to be part of this creative minority that rebuilds the Lord's Church from the inside? The folks that attempt to tear the Church apart are only being used by Satan as one of his devils. We must allow God to use us to counter this attack. We must become the hands, feet, mouth, and brains of the creative minority within God's Church so that we can continue to allow His work on earth. Will you answer the call?

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