Monday, April 19, 2010

To be a Catholic today, you need a really thick skin. We can glory in the persecution on behalf of Jesus but we are only human and it does wear thin. I am talking very specifically about the ongoing sexual abuse situation in the Church and the apparent mishandling that has gone on for far too long. Predators are predators whether they wear a Roman collar or not. That the small percentage (less than 2%) of priests who obviously allowed the devil to lead them down this path are causing all priests to be viewed in this horrific light is very disheartening. I am equally sickened for the victims of these crimes. All of this is not about God's work. I recently read an article that stated that Munich's vicar general, who served under Archbishop Ratzinger at the time, has assumed "full responsibility" for the a predatory priest's reassignment. This case, which recently came to light, has caused Pope Benedict a considerable amount of discomfort. The vicar general has insisted that then-Archbishop Ratzinger was not informed of the decision. It may be true. I often wonder how in the world the Pope can command the entire universal church but I am sure that God is in control. We must demand that the predators be revealed. We cannot allow this to continue. There in now a case in the Diocese of Baton Rouge that was revealed last week. Bishop Muench was very quick to respond to the charges and has placed the accused priest on administrative leave. I know the priest personally and am having a tough time believing that he did such a thing. I am not God however and can not know what lies inside a man's mind. I am praying that it is not true. I am also praying for the person that made the charges. It certainly casts a different light on the situation when it hits so close to home. Our skin has certainly thickened in Baton Rouge.

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