Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I recently watched a movie about the lives of St. Francis and St. Claire. Both were born in Assisi, Italy. Although eleven years separated them, their paths crossed many times in the little town. Francis' father was a merchant who sold fabric. Claire's father was a wealthy nobleman. What struck me most of all was the way that Francis came to his calling. He was inspired by the reading of the Gospel at Mass and began to explore the Bible more. We always associate peace with Francis now but the movie explained that he began to greet everyone with "peace be with you" when he met someone. We know of course what an integral part of Mass that saying has become. I have always had a great love for Francis and Claire and I of course knew of their relationship. The movie, however, gave me a deeper insight into the lives of two very influential saints. When Francis took up his true vocation he renounced everything that was connected to his family's wealth. He even stripped naked to return the clothes he had on to his father. He truly was following Jesus' instructions that say "none of you can be my disciple without giving up all that he owns" in Luke 14:33. Francis realized that he had to rid himself of all worldly things if he was to truly understand the plight of the poor and serve them fully. This concept is the exact opposite of what most of us do in our daily lives. We have become a nation and world of collectors. He who dies with the most toys wins. How did we get here from there? What is truly important to you in your life? Is it more important to have a new car or the latest PDA rather than developing a deeper relationship with God? Why are we hording money when God tells us that He will take care of us? The answer for me lies in the fact that I am still maturing in my relationship with God. To allow myself to be cradled in God's loving hands and depend on Him for everything is truly the ultimate goal. I am walking the path but I am not there yet. Do you have the courage of Francis? Do you want to become a true disciple of Jesus? Look to the examples like Francis and Claire. The walk starts with one step. Are you brave enough to take it?

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