Monday, June 6, 2011

A perfect day is receiving Godly wisdom that helps to solve a problem that has been nagging at me. Sometimes God speaks with me directly. That can happen through prayer, reading scripture or meditation. Sometimes God sends me a sign. It can be something in a book or an email. It very often is through another Spirit-filled person. Having these life mentors involved in everything that you do can be very beneficial. But finding the right person, the one who is truly allowing God to use them as an earthen vessel, can be difficult. Many people are falsely presenting themselves to others as Godly. So how can we discern who to trust? Ask yourself, "Does this person truly love me? Does this person hope to gain something by being involved in my life? Does this person model what they are telling me? Does this person walk with God?" Allowing yourself to trust another requires Godly wisdom. So the obvious thing to do is to ask God for wisdom in all things. Ask God to send you a life mentor that can help you walk your path. Allow God to work within and through you for the benefit of others. Become a life mentor to someone that you think would reciprocate. The bottom line is that God will provide what you need. He will send you the person that will help you. Godly wisdom is not about this world. The decisions you make with Godly wisdom may not make sense to people who are consumed by this world. Very often, the decision you come to may not receive the approval you may seek from others. Take solace in knowing that God is speaking to you and He knows what is best for you. He will lead you down the righteous path and help you to attain eternal life. Pray for Godly wisdom and make your decisions based on the advice that you receive from God.

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