Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year to you and yours. I am praying that 2011 be a great year and that millions of people are drawn to the love and grace of God our Father. I was blessed by some powerful preaching yesterday. As I sat listening to the message, I felt God's patient support and overwhelming love. Resolution number one became to pray for the Holy Spirit to rise up in all of our pastors so that the pure message of God can be heard by everyone who goes to church. After Mass, I began to think about my belief in God. What drew me to Jesus Christ? How has the Holy Spirit continued to work in my life? I realized that as a cradle Catholic, I was provided with a solid foundation that allowed me to stumble through life with the comfort that only God can provide. I was confident that God would always be there for me. It doesn't mean that my life was perfect and trouble free. Actually, I have had my share of agony and sin, but I knew that God was (and is) always there for me. So how was my faith formed and why do I trust so deeply? Part of my journey, that I think is essential for everyone, involved questioning and seeking. I don't think there is anything wrong with asking questions about God. I think it is important to be respectful and civil and I think the topic deserves a special type of inquiry. Having said that, I think it is important for us to seek as much knowledge as we can about the faith that sustains us. Very often when I see someone who denies the existence of God or describes Jesus as just a man, I find that they are not completing their argument. Frequently their logic is very flawed. I think that are stopping short and in the process denying themselves a much more fulfilling life. So this year, I will continue to question my faith process and I will concentrate on growing as a Christian. I guess that make resolution number two. I would also like to challenge you to dig deeper. Think about the what and why of your faith. Figure out why it is that you believe (or don't believe) in the truths of the Church. Allow God into this conversation. That is key. If you don't, the process is flawed and you will be doomed to failure from the outset. Begin and end every part of this growth process by talking with God. As Nicole C. Mullens says in her beautiful song I Know That My Redeemer Lives, "I spoke with Him this morning." Make that resolution number three. A daily talk with God. Here is to a blessed 2011 with a closer walk with God!

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