Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Father David Edwards says we should "focus on what we want to see grow." What a simple message. Yet is gives you all you need to have to get through each day. If you focus your mind on positive things, they will become the purpose for your life. So focus on God. Let Jesus Christ be your moral guide. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in your heart each and every day. Pope Benedict XVI recently delivered a powerful message about one of our most beautiful saints. St. Catherine of Siena, who entered the Third Order of the Dominicans at the age of 16, was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope Paul VI in 1970. Benedict says that Catherine played an eminent role in the history of the Church. He also relates an extraordinary story about Catherine. "In a vision that was ever present in Catherine's heart and mind Our Lady presented her to Jesus who gave her a splendid ring, saying to her: 'I, your Creator and Savior, espouse you in the faith, that you will keep ever pure until you celebrate your eternal nuptials with me in Heaven.' This ring was visible to her alone. In this extraordinary episode we see the vital center of Catherine’s religious sense, and of all authentic spirituality: Christocentrism. For her Christ was like the spouse with whom a relationship of intimacy, communion and faithfulness exists; he was the best beloved whom she loved above any other good." What an incredible example. I am planning to deepen my authentic spirituality and to become much more Christocentric. Going back to the initial idea of this post, I plan to focus on my relationship with Christ because I want it to grow.

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