Monday, March 29, 2010

A recent poll conducted by Marist College and funded by the Knights of Columbus should raise the eyebrows of any parent who is seriously concerned about raising a Catholic child in the current environment. In addition, if you are sending your child to a Catholic school, which requires a huge sacrifice on your part, you should be even more concerned. One of the most shocking points I found is that Catholic Millenials (18-29 years old) feel that plagiarism is worse than abortion. Some 58% of the Catholic participants indicated that abortion is morally wrong. But 87% found that copying someone else's work and claiming it as your own was morally wrong. How can this be in an age when folks steal music off of the Internet every minute? But it just gets more interesting as you delve into the survey. The survey found that 82% of Catholic Millenials believe that morals are relative and that there is no definite right or wrong for everyone. Is that what Jesus taught us while on earth? Is that what He continue to teach us through the Bible and the Church? I don't think so. I think that Humanists have done a really great job of getting their message out. Most of it has been facilitated by the for-profit media disguising itself as a free press. We must be vigilant and honest with our children if we want them to carry on the belief system of our faith. Will we allow the Church that Jesus created to be used to facilitate heresy? Abortion is the taking of a human life. We know that human life begins at conception. If you do nothing from that point on, a baby arrives in around 40 weeks. This human being has a beating heart and fingernails very early on. To merely dismiss this tiny infant as a fetus is morally reprehensible. I encourage you to talk to your children (even if they are now adults) about the murder that takes place everyday in abortion clinics across our country. I know that Our Lady is weeping every time a baby is killed. Apparently we are not showing vigilance in this matter. I do not want to end on a sad note. There is hope out there and we must search for it and put it under the light. A recent poll in France found that 83% of women believe that abortion does lasting psychological damage, and 61% believe that there are too many abortions in France. That is proof that our prayers do not go unanswered.

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