Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Whether the rich-poor divide in the United States is a demographic statistic or a politician's talking point is irrelevant to the agencies that are simply trying to make sure the people on the poor side of the equation have a roof over their head and food on the table. They're too busy trying to figure out how to feed more people with less money. The growing gap between rich and poor in the United States is a key theme of the "occupy" movement around the country, with participants emphasizing that they represent the "99 percent," as opposed to the 1 percent who control the majority of financial resources in the world. People are definitely noticing the gap between rich and poor and consider it a problem, according to pollsters. Two-thirds of a sampling of Americans told the Pew Research Center in December that there are strong or very strong conflicts between rich and poor in this country, up from 47 percent who said that two years ago. More than twice as many people describe the conflict as "very strong" as did so in July 2009, said the Pew study released Jan. 11. And another survey released February 2 that was conducted by Public Religion Research Institute for Religion News Service found that the gap between rich and poor was cited by voters it polled as the third most critical issue facing the country. Just under half, (49 percent) cited the gap as important, behind "jobs and unemployment," cited by 83 percent, and the federal deficit, cited by 69 percent of the 1,005 voters polled. But out in the parish food pantries and social service agencies where people in need seek help, the question is not "is the rich-poor gap a political issue?" or even "is the gap getting bigger?" It's simply: "How do we take care of the people on the poor side of the line?" Candy Hill, senior vice president for social policy and government affairs for Catholic Charities USA, said that although there are signs the economy is improving, many people are seeking basic support from church agencies. "Demand hasn't leveled off yet," she said. Ed Wnorowski, executive director of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul of Louisville, Ky., said the number of calls to a regional clearinghouse for social services nearly doubled between 2008 and 2009, from 3,719 to 6,255. The figure has remained well above 6,200 the following two years. At the same time, donations to the society have been flat, meaning the same amount of money and donated goods has had to stretch further, Wnorowski said. Linda Romine, communications director for the Louisville organization, said the director of a St. Vincent de Paul conference at one of the city's most affluent parishes reported helping more upper middle-class and "solidly middle-class" families in economic crisis. The parish helps with mortgage payments and utility bills, Romine said in an email exchange with Catholic News Service. "They're proud and embarrassed to ask for assistance, but they are in desperate situations." She gave examples of one family hit by a medical crisis that left the husband disabled and unable to work, and another family headed by a small-business owner whose company failed. Wnorowski said the charity's main effort to be sure it can meet needs has involved raising the profile of St. Vincent de Paul and its work, both to be sure people in need know it's there and to attract donations. Agency-owned thrift stores around the region provide its main source of income.

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