Friday, August 19, 2011

I must say I feel like the Israelites wandering the desert. I am dry and hot. Perhaps it is the ongoing drought. Perhaps it is the heat. Perhaps it is the economy and lack of leadership in the White House. I was heartened that Rick Perry did participate in a day of prayer in Texas. It is about time that Christians stand up for themselves and deal with the radicals who want us to deny our Lord and Savior. I saw that Jerry Buell, a veteran American history teacher at Mount Dora High School, was removed from his teaching duties this week as school officials in Lake County investigate allegations that what he posted was biased towards homosexuals. What is going on in Florida? Can people not have personal opinions anymore? I don't know Jerry Buell but I'll bet his convictions are based on his religious beliefs. That sounds like harassment based on his beliefs as a Christian. I for one am praying that the Lake County Florida officials will come to their senses and leave this former teacher of the year alone. He deserves to be a believer and a teacher. Back to the dryness, which is certainly why my posts have gotten slim. I am praying for spiritual intervention. I know my God has not turned His back on me. I need to get re-engaged with Him. It is a good lesson for us all. We simply become too busy with earthly concerns and before you know it, God is taking a back seat. He gives power to the weak. Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. We will walk and not grow weary. So let's pray for rain, for Jerry Buell, and for an end to this desert experience.

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