Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Some times I find that I am so far gone that I have to tear everything down and start all over. It infiltrates everything, like relationships or habits. I have recently been in a situation where I do not have access to a television. On the surface that sounds like a terrible ordeal but it has actually given me a new perspective. My quiet time has increased. So how have I chosen to spend this time? Well part of it has been consumed by work related tasks as I have started a new job. But a lot of it has been taken by more reading and most of that reading is spiritual in nature. I finally have the time to finish reading a lot of the books I have bought over the years. In addition, the quiet time is wonderful for reflection and listening. My conversations with God have become more pronounced and involved. It is a good thing and I am enjoying it for as long as it may last. There is song called Hurricane by Jimmy Neadham which perfectly expresses this sentiment. Jimmy calls on God to send in a hurricane to tear his walls down and remove his pride and fear. He pleads in the song to have God remove all of the barriers so the he can give himself fully to God. It is stunningly beautiful. For those of us who live with the threat of hurricanes, it is the perfect metaphor. We know firsthand the power that is unleashed by a hurricane. We often have bad habits, addictions, and problems that are so deeply rooted in our hearts that the only thing that can remove them is a hurricane-like force. That is the power of God. He will unleash His awesome power in order to allow us to have all of the walls torn down. These are the walls that the devil has helped us build. The walls that tell us that it is okay to do it just one time and then that turns into a lifetime of bad habits. Listen to Jimmy's song and let me know what you think. Hopefully, you too will ask God to send the thunder, wind and rain crashing down on you so that you can be cleansed and return to your relationship with God our Father.

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