Friday, October 30, 2009

The last acceptable prejudice has reared its ugly head again. I am talking about anti-Catholicism in the United States. Take a look at the editorial entitled Foul Ball. I have spoken of this terrible occurrence before and reminded everyone that the Devil loves when Christians fight amongst themselves. This article also points out the difference in treatment between Catholics and Jews. Again, score one for the Fallen One. Some of our very own, Patrick Kennedy namely, have chosen to go public with anti-Catholic remarks recently. This after his departed father was treated with respect and dignity even though the late Ted Kennedy did not stand up for his faith illustrated most clearly by his votes for abortion/legalized murder. I do not know what is in Patrick Kennedy's heart but I am praying that he take some time to explore his apparent dislike for the very Church that has nurtured and sustained his family for over 200 years. The Catholic Church provides health care to the indigent and forgotten everyday, especially in the U.S. The Catholic Church has been involved in the health care industry for a long time. If they are saying that the health care reform legislation being offered by Congress and the President is misguided, we should probably give them a listen and take a harder look at the plan. I know that the Catholic Church made a prayerful decision, something I am not so sure about with an administration that has been openly hostile to Christianity as a whole.