Monday, November 22, 2010

One of the most repeated transgressions of Israel mentioned in the Old Testament is the tendency of the people to create false gods. In fact, the plagues inflicted on the Egyptians during the time of Moses centered on dispelling the myth of the various gods worshipped by the Egyptians. After centuries of repeating the same mistakes, you would think that we as a people would learn. And to be fair, so of us have but not if you look at the cover of Newsweek. Picturing Barack Obama as a god is so insulting to Christians around the world. Actually, anyone who is spiritual and believes in a Higher Being (who is God for me) has to be offended by this depiction. The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist of Ann Arbor, Michigan, will be featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show” November 23. The show will feature a sister entering religious life and explore what it means to live a religious profession being “married” to Jesus. Several sisters, including Mother Assumpta Long, major superior, were interviewed. The program’s producers also filmed Masses at which several sisters made their first and final professions and the entry of 22 aspirants into the order. Life in the order was portrayed during Oprah’s February 9 program. That segment received so many positive responses that the TV talk show host thought it would be a good idea to visit again. It is a unique way for this Order to reach out to women that may be looking for a sign. I am anxious to hear what you think about this bold move.

In a statement, the order said it hopes to reach viewers whom otherwise would have no exposure or understanding of vowed religious life.

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