Saturday, July 18, 2009

There was an incredible letter to the editor in the Catholic Commentator, the local Catholic newspaper for the Baton Rouge Diocese, that addressed the recent controversy at Notre Dame. I wish I had written it because it certainly summed up my feelings. My entire family have been big supporters of all things Notre Dame. Not anymore. That honorary degree was given to a man with blood on his hands, the innocent blood of unborn children. Started a new book, The Promise: God's Purpose and Plan for When Life Hurts by Fr. Jonathan Morris ( Very easy to read and filled with real life advice with a solid undertone of scripture. More as it progresses. Wouldn't it be nice if all Catholics stopped at noon each day to praise God? Bringing the Angelus ( back into your life could make a difference. By the way, the painting is called Blood of Innocents by Rod Schneider.