Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Father God, we come to you today to ask that you send strong and pure young men and women forward to lead your Church on earth. Lord, we need dedicated men who will carry your message and build your Church. Inspire men to come forward and embrace the priesthood as their vocation. Holy Spirit, enter the hearts of young women and lead them to the call of sisterhood as religious women of faith. Continue to use lay men and women as your vessels. Help us to lead with clarity and humility modeled by Blessed Mother Theresa and Pope John Paul II. Send forth the trumpet blast that will bring forth these leaders and continue your work on earth. In the stillness and solitude, whisper in the ears of those who will respond and convince those who are struggling with the worldliness of our current culture. Father we ask all of this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen!